Dorrit Kromann
October, 2019 - Present
Engaging people and organizations in taking action for the climate.
Chairwoman of the board of Skt. Josef's School.kt. Josefs Skole.
Frederiksborgvej 10, 4000 Roskilde
October, 2020 - Present
Skt. Josef's School.
Frederiksborgvej 10, 4000 Roskilde
September, 2020 - Present
July, 2003 - Present
Development of result-creating organizations by establishing a balance between results and people. It requires common understanding and acceptance of goals with precise follow-ups - with respect for the individual person.
Ministry of Finance
September, 1999 - June, 2003
Manager of turn around of IT project (Salary system for all employees in the government administration) and Project of Shared Services in the Ministry.
Agency for Public Finance and Management
1998 – 2003
IBM Global Services
September, 1998 – September, 1999
Implementing system and process for Solution Design and Development in Network Services, which was sold to AT&T.
Columbus IT Partner
February, 1998 - August, 1998
Working with foreign partners of Columbus IT Partner to develop business plans, budgets etc. Primary focus was establishment of new partners.
June, 1986 - February, 1998.
Started in Privatbanken as part-time IT developer parallel with studying at Copenhagen Business School. Worked in Unibank with establishing new branches around the world (London, New York, Isle of Man, Geneva, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Helsinki and Oslo). Fokus on IT systems. Worked in Unibørs (Dealing) as team manager of IT Strategy and Project management.
2016 – 2018
Healing Complex Trauma as a vehicle for personal and social transformation.
The NeuroAffective Relational Model(NARM) is an advanced clinical training for mental health professionals who work with complex trauma. NARM is a cutting-edge model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and interpersonal difficulties.
NARM is a more resent developed method of treatment. The founder is Ph.d. Laurence Heller, CA, USA.
Master, Organizational Psychology.
2003 – 2005
Cand.Merc.Dat (now Cand.Merc.It) & HA.Dat
1984 – 1989
Information Ressource Management
Strategic Management
Business Psychology
Management of IT projects
Integration of Marketing and Product Development
Aspects of Using Artificial Intelligence
Analysis of the implementation of Midas ABS banking system in Privatbanken Ltd., London
Mathematical Social Science Student
1981 – 1984
- Management of approx. 40 employees organized with middle managers
- Establishment of new department within 12 months by collecting people from various cultural areas with various background and education.
- Enthusiastic and experienced manager with the intention that employees must achieve set goals
- Use of framework, motivation and structured follow-up as a means of managing people
- Firm decision-maker
- Experience in navigating in a worldwide and complex matrix organization at all levels
- Set up of new Salary and Human Resource Policy after negotiation with unions
- Budget manager and salary manager for office and projects according to company rules.
- Part of the management team for overall management in the organization
- Team leader for consulting team
- Personal sales budget
- Turnaround with implementation of results management. The client's department with several years deficit was transformed to keep budgets, Bottom line improvement by 200%
- Establishment and implementation of cold call project
- Contract negotiations
- Established profitable consulting company based on own sales to large public and private clients in need of project management, coaching and education
- Processes and marketing in a resale organization
- Customer manager for financial systems sold to and supported for the public institutions
- Experience with market analysis for building a new company and sales
- With a background in organizational psychology comes the ability to make an organization perform
- Coaching of all employees to identify the current state of the organization
- Establishing a framework for each employee based on mission, vision and values
- Conflict management in organizations
- Coaching of employees so that each employee defines their own goals and their own actions
- Organizational development with a psychodynamic perspective
- Development seminars to support organizational development
- Establishment of a new business foundation for the next phase in the organization and implementation of mission, vision, values and goals in the company
- Development of a completely new way of thinking about the company practice and how this should be marketed, as well as testing the new concept in a selected customer segment
- Establishment of own successful company with business concept, success criteria, financial analysis and plan
- Development of Business Plan concepts for Subsidiaries. Including Concept for how to analyze the existing situation, Decision on focus points, How to set up the Budget, How to implement the Business Plan. Based upon the Balanced Score Card
- Follow up and assistance to Subsidiaries in order to meet the goals as agreed in the Business Plan
- Establishment of new companies
- Account Manager for specific Subsidiaries
- Definition of processes in a business by use of CRM
- Analysis of the business by use of the SDD standard process and work flow tool
- Implementation of processes in relation to ”New ways of working”
- Implementation of integrated MS CRM system for 100+ users
- Identification of Business requirements to work flow system
- Implementation of work flow system in support process
- Analysis of business processes for a Nordic CFO group
- Project Manager with reporting to external Steering Committee and General Manager
- Thorough knowledge and experience in project management, which involves all areas in the organization and involves people from various areas and levels
- Project Management by use of certified IBM project concept
- Experience in all tasks of Managing large projects i.e.. Personnel including hire/fire, Accounting and Budget follow-up, Business Planning, Daily routines, Business Processes, Implementation of systems, Education & Change Management
- Analytical skills in relation to identification of user requirements
- Experience in implementation including analysis and design of test
- Project Management using internal company concepts
- Project Manager of 200+ mio DKK project with 50+ employees
- Management of Suppliers in badly run project
- Management of two public suppliers
- Project management as an independent consultant with management of 2 external suppliers in the development of the portal.
- Experience in education of users and project members
- Independently offered course
- Teaching cases in tool courses e.g. strategy at recognized training companies
- Teaching in MUS for inexperienced and experienced leaders
- Teaching in Performance Management
- Working with many different cultures and cross cultural. Thorough knowledge in how to manage the differences
- Have been living in the financial centers of the world (London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Geneve, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Paris, Helsinki and Oslo)
- Experience in handling the problems between working methods and working attitudes in relation to Private vs. Public Sector
Finansielle branche: Nordea: 11 years of banking experience with jobs in various departments of a large international bank as well as consulting jobs with a thorough understanding of business processes, processes and solid knowledge of basic banking,
IT industry: Columbus IT Partner, IBM: Project Management and Business Development with software development and network sales as well as implementations
Public sector: Hillerød Hospital, Ministry of Finance, Høje Tåstrup Municipality, Danish Commerce and Companies Agency: Turnaround, Project Management; performance management
Advertising industry: BBDO: Organizational development
Aviation industry: Sterling: Performance management
Consulting: Independent company
Som født og opvokset i Roskilde siden 1965 har jeg en lang solid historie som aftager af forsyningsydelser i FORS A/S. Jeg ønsker som bestyrelsesmedlem at bidrage til den videre udvikling af FORS A/S til gavn for kunde og samfund i balance. FORS A/S er et selskab, hvor mange interesser skal tilgodeses, og hvor politik og økonomi skal gå hånd i hånd til gavn for forbrugeren – kunden og for miljøet.
Et succesfuldt FORS A/S er en virksomhed, hvor kunden egentlig ikke bemærker vores eksistens, fordi både input og output fungerer præcist, når kunder har brug for det, og fordi vi passer på kundens penge. Synligheden skal komme i form af inddragelse af borgerne til at skabe succesfulde projekter og rigtige løsninger.
Jeg har arbejdet i den finansielle sektor, i IT branchen, i det offentlige og er nu selvstændig samt investor og advisor i et Sustainable.Tech. selskab. Mine spidskompetencer, som jeg ser relevante i FORS A/S bestyrelse er: Bæredygtighed, IT, Økonomi, Offentlig sektor, Projektledelse bl.a. i udlandet, Forandringsudvikling, Ledelse og Bestyrelsesarbejde.
Uddannelsesmæssigt er mit fokus balancen mellem økonomi, menneske og resultater. Jeg er uddannet Cand.Merc.Dat., har en Master i Organisationspsykologi, er NARM psykoterapeut og har en bestyrelsesuddannelse fra CBS.
Personligt er jeg fokuseret på værdierne: respekt og værdighed, og at vi skal balancere fællesskabet og individets behov. Jeg er født og opvokset i Roskilde, har boet 8 år i udlandet bl.a. via mit arbejde i Unibank. Jeg har boet i Veddelev siden 2000 og har bygget to huse. Jeg ved, hvad det vil sige, når forsyning fungerer og ikke fungerer, og hvordan et regnskyl kan oversvømme en kælder.
Jeg er formand for Skt. Josefs Skole bestyrelse, hvor jeg startede som menigt medlem, dernæst blev næstformand og nu er formand.
Min skoleleder Mads Frost har følgende at sige om vores samarbejde i bestyrelsen:
”Jeg har fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Dorrit først i kraft af hendes rolle som bestyrelsesmedlem af Skt. Josefas Skoles bestyrelse og senere som formand for samme.
Dorrit er et passioneret og et helt igennem professionelt menneske, der med sit kæmpe engagement har drevet en lang men nødvendig forandrings- og transformationsproces af bestyrelsens organisering, arbejde og ansvar.
Dorrit er en arbejdshest der påtager sig sin del af ansvaret og arbejdet, men hun gør det med en menneskelighed og en respekt der inspirerer til samarbejde og følgeskab.
Dorrit har såvel fagligt som personligt og ikke mindst menneskeligt min dybeste respekt og jeg værdsætter virkelig vores samarbejde.
Jeg kan derfor kun videregive min allerbedste anbefalinger og håbe på, at hun fortsat ønsker at stille sin person og sine kompetencer til rådighed for Skt. Josefs Skole i mange år fremover.”